SEO Service

Show your business online on google 1st page.

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Search Engine Optimization:

Our SEO packages are Penguin and Panda compliant and tailored to meet the varying needs of small businesses and large corporations. With 5 SEO plans and SEO pricing starting from Rs.1000 per month, we offer you the flexibility to choose the best fit for your budget and website. These comprehensive packages include all the essential on-page and off-page optimizations required to bring you SEO success. What's more, we are a Google Certified Adwords and Analytics Partner and have a long history of successful SEO results.

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SEO Packages :

Want to get Google 1st Page Ranking ?

Pre Website Analysis Report ok ok ok ok ok
Key word research ok ok ok ok ok
Website Usability Analysis ok ok ok ok ok
Web Page Design Analysis ok ok ok ok ok
Log File Analysis ok ok ok ok ok
On-Page Optimization
Contain Optimization(H1, H2, Bold) ok ok ok ok ok
XML site map creation & Submission ok ok ok ok ok
Robort.txt Optimization ok ok ok ok ok
Google Analysis installation & Report ok ok ok ok ok
Fixing of Https ok ok ok ok ok
Customize of 404 page ok ok ok ok ok
W3C & CSS Validation ok ok ok ok ok
RSS Feed Page Creation ok ok ok ok ok
Google Supplementary index ok ok ok ok ok
Fixed Multiple Home Page ok ok ok ok ok
Broken link ok ok ok ok ok
Other Unique Optimization Technique ok ok ok ok ok
Off-Page Optimization
Search Engines Submission ok ok ok ok ok
Manual Directory Submission ok ok ok ok ok
Article Submission ok ok ok ok ok
Press Release Submission ok ok ok ok ok
Classified Submissions ok ok ok ok ok
BlogSpot Optimization ok ok ok ok ok
Blog Posting & Commenting ok ok ok ok ok
Forum Posting ok ok ok ok ok
Social Bookmarking ok ok ok ok ok
Back Link ok ok ok ok ok
Other Unique Technique ok ok ok ok ok
Social Media Optimization
Facebook Page Creation ok ok ok ok ok
Wall Posting ok ok ok ok ok
Like Generation ok ok ok ok ok
Facebook Analysis Report ok ok ok ok ok
Google+ Local Page Set-up ok ok ok ok ok
Wall & Genuine Review Posting ok ok ok ok ok
YouTube Optimization ok ok ok ok ok
Twitter Account Creation ok ok ok ok ok
Tweets & Following ok ok ok ok ok
Pinterest Account Creation ok ok ok ok ok
Pin it & Update ok ok ok ok ok
SEO Reports ok ok ok ok ok
Keyword Ranking Report ok ok ok ok ok
Phone, Email, Chat & SMS Support ok ok ok ok ok
Minimum Contract Duration 4 Month 4 Month 4 Month 4 Month 4 Month
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